
Where education meets community in motherhood.

Gain confidence, knowledge and a supportive community – 100% in-person classes

glowing testimonials

loved by moms, recommended by doctors

savor the glow of motherhood

feel the magic that
happens when we gather

Learning and sharing with peers experiencing the same phase of motherhood as you is invaluable for self-discovery, self-care, and self-esteem.

the US is failing moms. we’re fixing that.

Up to an astounding 80% of women in the US experience some form of postpartum distress from the more common ‘baby blues’ to depression–and it’s no wonder given the lack of social supports combined with the unrealistic expectations placed on new moms. New Mom School is on a mission to change the status quo. We’re here to help YOU!

Why we exist

we’re fundamentally changing the way new moms are cared for.

New Mom School members enjoy:

  • NLess stress, anxiety, and depression
  • NBetter relationships with their partners
  • NKnowledge to raise happier, healthier babies

Our Signature Offerings


0 – 3 months
register while pregnant

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3 – 6 months

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6 – 12 months

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12 – 18 months

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second time


0 – 3 months

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support group

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Our Signature Offerings


0 – 3 months



3 – 6 months


rising toddler

6 – 12 months



12 – 18 months


second time moms

0 – 3 months


breastfeeding support group


glowing confidence to make informed decisions

Wellbeing for mom & baby

our research-based education is doctor recommended

one-of-a-kind, mom-first approach

From courses organized by birth date to ensure the most relevant and empathetic community to expert speakers addressing the specific challenges you’re facing, we tailor everything to meet you where you are on your journey and give you comprehensive support.

Hey mama –

Our classes are a judgment-free zone where the mommy wars are left at the door and moms support and empower one another regardless of their parenting style. Whether you use disposable or cloth diapers, breastfeed or formula feed, co-sleep or work full time, your class will become your lifeline.


we’re here where
you need us

ready to gather?

glow up your inbox

Be the first to know of class schedules, new locations and valuable up-to-date research and education tools.


Can I get the cost of these classes covered by insurance or my job?

Yes! The coverage differs across companies and plans but just ask us for the necessary paperwork to submit to your insurance company for reimbursement. Many companies also have education funds for their employees. Check with your HR department for funds available to you and we can provide the necessary receipts for you to submit.

What are your classes all about?

New Mom School is a program unlike any other. Our multi-week class series are organized by your baby’s birth month so that all moms are experiencing the same phase in motherhood. Our newborn class series typically include babies born within one month.

Classes are designed to help support you through your exciting (and sleep deprived!) journey as a new mom. Our classes are fun, educational and full of information that will help ease your mind and make this very overwhelming, yet special time, a more joyful experience. Our classes have been proven to alleviate symptoms of postpartum mood disorders such as depression and anxiety.

Our classes include research-based information with carefully selected topics that are relevant to your baby’s age, all with an underlying theme of nurturing the positive healthy bond between moms and their new babies. In our classes, the mommy wars are left at the door and the classes are led without any judgment. Classes are full of laughter, support, tears, education and so much more! Our classes are meant to encourage and empower moms.

Classes also incorporate visits from leading experts in our community, which truly adds a special twist on a traditional mommy and me playgroup. We take great pride in bringing moms together and helping them grow into the best moms they can be.

How old should my baby be when I begin my class?

For the Newborn Class, we recommend babies be approximately 3 – 6 weeks of age when beginning your class, however, we have had babies begin when they are older. Your group availability and your personal schedule will determine when you will begin your group.

What if my baby hasn’t received immunizations when the class is scheduled to begin?

Because most babies don’t receive their first set of immunizations until 6-8 weeks, most moms begin their class series prior to their baby’s first set of vaccines. Our setting is very conducive to newborn babies and an excellent way to get out of the house very early on for that much needed human connection without being concerned. Our studio is kept extremely clean with very limited exposure. Babies are either held by mom, sleeping in their car seats, or lying on your own blanket in front of you so there is no contact with one another.

Below is a note from one of our wonderful resident pediatricians, Dr. Kristin Pelinka, regarding the issue:

“I suppose that some of the doctors that are recommending avoiding public places until the child has been vaccinated are basing those recommendations purely on what is medically best for a child, but there are many other factors to consider.

In the first two months of life, the babies are much more protected from exposure than after they are crawling and exploring. Their moms can control their proximity to the other children and the exchange of respiratory droplets, mucus and saliva is minimal.

Of course, there is a small risk of exposure to illness whenever you leave the home, but it is not realistic to recommend that mothers do not leave the house for the first two months of their child’s life. I think the risk of exposure is minimal, especially with a “no sick” policy and I think the benefits greatly outweigh the risks.”

We are spending so much money on the baby, we are concerned about yet another financial investment.

We know where you’re coming from. It’s expensive to have a baby! We hear two things repeatedly from moms (and dads!) after completing their classes. 1: “This is the best money we’ve spent since having a baby” and 2: “I would have spent 2, 3, 5, 7 times the amount on these classes to have this experience and knowledge!” The other thing we hear from moms who didn’t take the classes is how much they regret it.

I am ready to sign up, but my partner is skeptical, what can I say to convince them?

Our classes don’t just benefit mom. They benefit the entire family. We know that a new mom’s health and mood are so crucial to a new baby and their partner. When a new mom feels empowered and confident, we know the whole family reaps the rewards.

Having a new baby in the family is so complex. We think it’s going to be a breeze but it’s a shock to the family unit when you’re actually in it. Moms are especially rocked because we are usually the primary caretaker for the baby and our identity has now shifted yet we haven’t been taught how to manage the transition. So, that’s why this program is worth its weight in gold. Truth is, we spend thousands of dollars on education in college, continuing education courses, certifications, and now baby gear. But none of those investments will actually teach you anything about being a brand new parent. There is no better investment than the one to benefit your lives as a new family.

I get messages from dads all the time saying how thankful they are, how much THEY learned from our classes through their partners, and we get many moms enrolling in classes who have been referred from other DADS!


$25 Off Your First Class

$25 Off Your First Class


$25 Off Your First Class

$25 Off Your First Class