A woman goes through one of the most transformative states when she emerges into the beautiful chaos of motherhood. But sometimes it might feel like you’re completely overwhelmed, maybe even crying more than your newborn. 

It’s time to get support. You need a community—and we’ve got one ready and waiting. 

We will always recommend getting personalized support from a licensed therapist if you’re struggling, however joining a class at New Mom School can also help minimize postpartum depression. (You can read what 8+ OB/GYNs, Pediatricians and Psychiatrists have to say about our programs right here.)

Here are 5 ways joining a class at New Mom School can help minimize postpartum depression. 

  1. There is power in shared experiences. In every class at New Mom School you will hear from fellow moms, many of whom will be going through exactly what you are, too. While there is no expectation to share your innermost thoughts, you might be surprised how comfortable you feel when you realize you’re not alone. 
  2. Symptoms of postpartum mood or anxiety disorder are often overlooked. We have experts come and talk about symptoms of postpartum mood and anxiety disorders multiple times throughout our class series. We want to normalize this conversation and help you identify when you need more support. 
  3. Positive social contact relieves stress. We’ll be your village, every week in-person and after hours in our private Facebook group, helping you relieve some of your stress and anxiety, and in turn regulating your nervous system in the company of fellow mamas. 
  4. You will be supported by the expertise of a licensed clinical social worker. Our classes are supported by experts like a licensed clinical social worker who specializes in the postpartum period. 
  5. It’s doctor-recommended. There’s confidence that comes from knowing you’re “doing what your doctor told you”. It’s not indulgent to attend class at New Mom School. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists actually recommends in order to optimize the health of women and infants, postpartum care should be an ongoing process, rather than a single encounter. New Mom School ensures your postpartum care is the ongoing process all doctors recommend. 

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