Let’s Talk About Sex, (After) Baby

Let’s Talk About Sex, (After) Baby

“Ugh. No, thanks.” That’s my initial response to my own blog post title. Sex! Everyone does it, yet no one talks about it. Scratch that – a lot of people talk about it but it’s either lies, or only the good parts, and while I understand the reasoning behind that, I...
Dear Mama: You Got This

Dear Mama: You Got This

I know you’re tired. There is no other job on earth that requires as much from a woman than mamahood does. Sure, there are extremely high-stress jobs out there (a heart surgeon, anesthesiologist, those guys who drive buses up the tiny roads in the Himalayas, etc.),...
Cesareans: The Who, What, When, Why, and How

Cesareans: The Who, What, When, Why, and How

Picture this: you’re 34 weeks pregnant and your OB confirms via ultrasound that your baby has yet to settle into the head-down birthing position. They start talking to you about ways to get baby to move and tell you that if your little one is not locked and loaded by...