Hayley has changed my life!

As some of you know, this has been a very challenging year for our family.  It was especially hard on my now 4 year old who welcomed a new sibling and dealt with an unfortunate situation with a caretaker we had.  That being said, all of this happened while just being...

Balancing Marriage with Motherhood

After having my first son Jack, I never thought our marriage would get better with my husband, Eric. That disconnect in our relationship after Jack was born was one of my biggest shocks after having a baby. But over time, our union withstood the trials of new...

The Facebook Façade

I saw a friend over the weekend that I hadn’t seen in years.  Her first baby is 10 months old and when we started catching up she asked, “Why doesn’t anyone tell you how hard it’s going to be?” Then she said, “I don’t have to ask you how it’s going with two because...

It Finally Happened…

When my oldest was born, he was given a stuffed monkey who at one year old he named Titi (because he couldn’t say monkey).  Titi became a part of our family and Jack’s best friend.  He went everywhere with us.  When Jack went to school, Titi stayed strapped in his car...

Never Say Never and Nothing is Forever!

I always knew I was meant to be a mom.  Even through the toughest moments of having a newborn, I still enjoyed every minute of it!  That’s not to say it wasn’t the hardest, most unexpected experience I’ve had so far, but for the first time I felt as if I had a...