By guest writer Tiffany Mansfield

Do you have a superhero in your life? 

Have you ever wished you had an extra set of hands? More time in a day? Another “you” or “mind reader” so you would not have to explain everything ALL the time and can get more done? or perhaps someone you can rely on and trust with all your heart in any situation?  

This is what a nanny is and can be for your family. 

I have had the privilege of being a nanny to many amazing families over the past 15 years. Before becoming a mommy myself I was that person (and still am) to some very special people, I now call family.

Nannies are our everyday heroes – let’s talk about the endless “jobs” nannies perform on a day to day basis. They are the ones we call and rely on for last minute date nights, appointments, vacations, grocery shopping, gift purchases, pick up your kid from school, feed them, bathe them, potty train them, make sure everything is ready for the next day, deep clean and organize toys, there when your kids are sick and you can’t be there…They are the ones who will love our kids as if they are their own. This is just the beginning of the duties that nannies perform. 

Nannies enjoy getting out of the house, going on walks, to the grocery store, picking up the kids after school, taking kids to activities, etc…Use your nannies for what they are capable of doing. You don’t realize how much this not only can help you but also the nanny gets to get out of the house and not feel cooped up. It’s a win-win. 

Some have literally saved lives. Like when your kids are choking, get burned from hot water, are drowning in a pool, fall and get hurt, or just need someone to talk to when they lose a friend.

The bond that will grow between your kids and nanny and you and the nanny is priceless. Nannies are your extra set of hands, your mind reader, your extra minutes in a day, they are that person you can rely on in ANY situation and entrust your most special gems. They are an extension of who you are as an amazing parent. They are your nanny and everyday “superhero” .

My name is Tiffany and I am the founder of Mansfield Domestics. Orange County’s Premier Domestic Agency. As a former nanny, personal assistant and Estate Manager, I have had the privilege to work with some amazing people and families. With my previous experience I know exactly what’s needed and expected. Now I’m able to help you find the perfect match for your family so you can experience a “Superhero” in your life. Please visit us at or email me directly I look forward to helping you.