Can you believe it’s May? It’s hard to believe that we are nearly a quarter of the way through 2024! As mothers we often hear the phrase “time is a thief,” and while I don’t argue with the sentiment, it often reminds me to slow down and take in these moments that we have with our families. Your babies are only this little for this minute, and while I’ll never tell you to enjoy every moment, there is definitely something to be said for making a conscious effort to be as present in those moments as we can. And not just for our children, but also for ourselves. The hustle and bustle of the world can become so overwhelming, and in a culture where we are told we can and should do it all, we often lose sight of ourselves and our needs.

So with this idea of slowing down and bringing awareness to our own needs as mothers, I want to talk about Mother’s Day. Whether this is your first time celebrating, or you have been a mom for a few years now, I invite you to stop and think about what it is that you really want on Mother’s Day. How do YOU want to celebrate and be celebrated? Oftentimes, we don’t spend the time to think about this, and in turn, fail to communicate our expectations, leading to great disappointment. I recently shared my experience of my first Mother’s Day (you can watch, here) and how I was so disappointed that the day didn’t turn out as I had anticipated. You can learn from my experience and avoid the sadness of unmet expectations, by taking a few minutes today to think about what you want to do on the day that serves to celebrate motherhood and all that you do to make your family’s world turn. 

Maybe you want to be with your family, or maybe you would like to spend a few hours alone. Maybe you want a bouquet of flowers or maybe you want a handmade card from your child. Whatever it is, identify it, and know that it’s absolutely ok to ask for it! After all, this day is supposed to be all about YOU mama! You deserve to feel celebrated, loved and appreciated for all that you do for your little humans. So here’s to communicating exactly what you want and need this Mother’s Day! I promise you won’t regret it!
