Mommies, let’s help local families in need! Can you imagine every night not knowing where you are going to lay your baby down to sleep? Or at every meal time struggling to put together enough food to keep your children full? Many people don’t know that this is actually a real struggle for families in Orange County. In fact, there are over 30,000 school-aged children that are homeless or unstably housed in Orange County! OC Mommy and Me is partnering with Families Forward and together we can help these local families in need!

Families Forward, founded in 1984, is a non-profit organization committed to helping local Orange County families who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. Their mission is to help families in need achieve and maintain self-sufficiency through housing, food, counseling, education, and other support services. Last year Families Forward was able to help 90 homeless families (324 children and their parents) achieve safety and stability through their housing program, serve 6,000 children and adults through their food pantry program, and provide holiday gifts to over 1,700 children. We are hoping that together we can help serve even more of these families!

Every month, OC Mommy and Me will host a drive to collect items to help our local families in need. For our first month, we will collect food items to help ensure our families will be able to provide children their next meal. You can find a list of the most needed food items below. We will be collecting food donations starting August 3rd through September 1st. All donations can be brought to OC Mommy and Me and placed in the donation barrel.

Every gift, no matter how small, will make a big difference in the lives of these local families.  We appreciate your support.


If you are not currently enrolled in a class and would still like to donate to Families Forward, all donations can be brought to Families Forward located at 8 Thomas, Irvine, CA 92618. In lieu of food items a donation in any amount can be made online at Please note that you are contributing to the OC Mommy and Me fund.

Let’s work together to help keep food on the table for these families!