Instead of telling a new mama, “Let me know if you need anything,” try;

  • “I’d love to drop of some dinner for you one day this week! let me know which day works best for you and what your favorite meal is.”
  • “I’m going to the grocery store tomorrow and I’d like to pick up some groceries for you too. Can you send me the shopping list?
  • “Do you have afavorite drink from (insert local coffee shop) that I can bring you today?”
  • “I’d like to come and spend an hour or two looking after your baby, so you can have a nap or some alone time. Would you like that?
  • “I have some free time this afternoon, I can do some chores for you, what needs to be done?”
  • “How are you coping? Would you like to talk?”

Originally published by Taylor Kulik.