January marked the second anniversary of my first group! Wow – what a ride it has been and it keeps getting better! When I started The New Mom School in January 2012, my only hope was that I’d be able to fill just ONE class with moms.  I can proudly say that within the last two years, The New Mom School has met 350 new mommies and babies from Orange County…more than I could have ever imagined!  We have also found a new home at The Dailey Method studio at Fashion Island who welcomes us with open arms and treats us like family, expanded our classes from two classes per week to 8-10 classes per week along with workshops, events in the community and more!

I never really had a plan when I first started.  I just saw a need for support for new mommies in the community so I created a space where moms could meet others in the same phase in motherhood by organizing groups by their babies’ birth dates.  As a mom myself, to me, this is the most valuable piece of a mommy support group.

There are no words that could ever do justice how thankful and grateful I am for the moms in my groups and the community’s support.  Without each of you referring your friends, family, clients and strangers you meet out and about and sharing your positive experiences on our Yelp page, this program could not be what it is today. From the very, very bottom of my heart, thank you a million times for your continued support and being The New Mom School’s biggest cheerleaders!

What’s to come in 2015…

2015 is going to be a great year for The New Mom School! There are so many ideas I have for new classes and I hope to launch many of them in 2015!

First to launch is our BRAND NEW Toddler and Preschool classes in February.   These classes are the product of a vision I’ve had since beginning OCMM and I am so excited they are finally here!  To read more about these classes click here.

The very first group from January of 2012!

Some of the moms from the group above celebrating the holidays!  They remain such a close group of friends.

What the group has done for me….    

“After becoming a Mommy more than two years ago, I began searching for my “Village”, a group I could honestly talk to about the fears and joys I was experiencing as a new Mom!  Luckily, I found Alex at The New Mom School and joined her first group ever!  I learned a lot of useful information from experts in sleep, infant massage and baby sign language ( to name a few), but the most valuable asset I took away was the friendships I developed with the other Moms.  In the years since, we continue to get together and talk about our highs and lows as Mothers… of toddlers, yikes!  We go on Mom’s night outs and we have potlucks with our kids and husbands.  We enjoy each other and I have The New Mom School to thank for helping me find my Village!”

Claire Hartstein Wilburn 


“The New Mom School was such a blessing.  I joined when my son was 3 weeks old because while I knew friends who had kids, I didn’t have anyone going through it at the time I had my son.  Luckily, this class gave me support, friendship and guidance. My son brought me my mommy friends whom I feel so blessed to know! We started getting together weekly for dinner with the babies and now we not only hang with the kids, but we get together just the moms and now the entire families.  This group led me to some of my best friends.”

Carly Fliegler




“The New Mom School has played such a huge role for me and has helped me embrace motherhood and embark on new challenges that having kids brings. It’s all because of the support of my girlfriends that I’ve gained from my mommy and me group that I joined over two years ago. I’m so grateful for Alex’s class! I love seeing our kids grow up and experience new things together. We also make it a point to go have fun with just the girls. Alex helped me create my “village” and without her I would be lost.”

Ashley Myers

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