5 Things to Spend Valentine’s Day with the Kids
Many people will be dining out on Valentine’s Day with their significant other, sipping adult beverages and enjoying romantic music in relaxed atmospheres. But those who are...
The New Mom School 2016 3-Year Old Gift Guide
The holidays are just weeks away! If you're buying for 3-year old and need some inspiration, be sure to check out our gift guide!
Teach Children What to Do
The following is an excerpt from the book Positive Discipline The First Three Years. This tool is also referred to as "Do vs Don't." Children under the age of three do not...
5 Tips for Managing Mornings, Easy Evenings
Children develop their own will at a very early age (typically around the “terrible two’s”) and their will often conflicts with that of their parents. If not corrected by the...
5 Ways to Correct Misbehaving Children
All children misbehave and have since the beginning of time. In contemporary times with both parents working some argue that misbehavior is increasing. We’ll leave that to the...
The New Mom School 2016 Infant Toy Guide
The holidays are just around the corner! If you're buying for an infant and need some inspiration, be sure to check out our 2016 Infant Toy Guide: Click photo to enlarge. ...
5 Guidelines for a Spooktastic Halloween
Halloween is the second most popular time of the year for kids. Dressing up in spooky costumes and mingling with other kids, traipsing through the neighborhood seeking delicious...
5 Ways to Balance Life and Work
Remember the old TV commercial where the woman cried out, “Calgon, take me away!” Yeah, that one. She was struggling as many people do with balancing her life and work. The poor...
Teach Students to Give and Receive Compliments
So many wonderful tools in the Positive Discipline curriculum. Here is just one of them: Nothing can change your mood from sad to glad more quickly than gratitude. Negativity...
5 Things All New Mothers Ought to Know
If you and your significant other are planning a child or if you are already expecting, there are five things you must be aware of as a budding new mother-to-be. Forget about all...
5 Tips for Mothers for Alleviating Back-to-School Stress
September looms like a foreboding antagonist waiting in the shadows as the beginning of the school years ramps up. Whether it is your first year to send the kiddos to school or...
11 Tips for How to Keep Baby Calm and Entertained in the Car
Driving with the littles can be pretty daunting and not always the most enjoyable experience. It’s tough keeping the little ones strapped in and happy without their whining...
Jay Elle Pump Bags
Hi, Moms! I wanted to tell you about these great new pump bags from Jay Elle. Jay Elle was founded this year by Kate Doti and Sarah Gray. It's 100% family-and-woman owner and...
I Have a Love/Hate Relationship with Mom Guilt
Mommy guilt. Sigh. I have so much of it! It’s no wonder since after becoming a mom the list of things I’m responsible for grew exponentially. Being a mom is rewarding but OH EM...
Prenatal Yoga at Harmony Wellness Center
Hello, moms! I wanted to tell you about this fantastic prenatal yoga class with Harmony Wellness Center in Costa Mesa. Here's some of the info: Prenatal yoga is all about...