5 Things to Spend Valentine’s Day with the Kids

5 Things to Spend Valentine’s Day with the Kids

Many people will be dining out on Valentine’s Day with their significant other, sipping adult beverages and enjoying romantic music in relaxed atmospheres. But those who are compelled to perform their daily routines may find it difficult to celebrate a day of romance...
Teach Children What to Do

Teach Children What to Do

The following is an excerpt from the book Positive Discipline The First Three Years. This tool is also referred to as “Do vs Don’t.” Children under the age of three do not understand “no” in the way most parents think they do. (And, a...
5 Guidelines for a Spooktastic Halloween

5 Guidelines for a Spooktastic Halloween

Halloween is the second most popular time of the year for kids. Dressing up in spooky costumes and mingling with other kids, traipsing through the neighborhood seeking delicious sweets, and pulling innocent pranks are all a part of the annual festivities. In order to...
Teach Students to Give and Receive Compliments

Teach Students to Give and Receive Compliments

So many wonderful tools in the Positive Discipline curriculum. Here is just one of them: Nothing can change your mood from sad to glad more quickly than gratitude. Negativity changes to positive feelings the instant you focus on what you appreciate. Since this is such...