5 Things All New Mothers Ought to Know

5 Things All New Mothers Ought to Know

If you and your significant other are planning a child or if you are already expecting, there are five things you must be aware of as a budding new mother-to-be. Forget about all those days you babysat the neighborhood kids as a teen, as well as how you’re going to...
Jay Elle Pump Bags

Jay Elle Pump Bags

Hi, Moms! I wanted to tell you about these great new pump bags from Jay Elle. Jay Elle was founded this year by Kate Doti and Sarah Gray. It’s 100% family-and-woman owner and operated company, (Kate and Sarah are sisters) based in Orange, CA. As working and...
I Have a Love/Hate Relationship with Mom Guilt

I Have a Love/Hate Relationship with Mom Guilt

Mommy guilt. Sigh. I have so much of it! It’s no wonder since after becoming a mom the list of things I’m responsible for grew exponentially. Being a mom is rewarding but OH EM GEE is it demanding! Most of the time I’m heavily sleep deprived which brings a million...