As moms, we have a lot of STUFF! It’s tough to find a place for it all and even if you do, best of luck keeping it there with toddlers!

Meet one of my best friends, Merav, whom I met in MY mommy and me class when my first was 8 weeks old. I have a long list of things I love and appreciate about her, one of which is her motivation to always be better. We share that self-reflection gene which has provided many great and long conversations about how to do it. I feel I’m a better person for knowing her partly due to her constant support and cheerleading!

She recently wrote a post about the Konmari method of organizing. This spoke to me because I’ve been working on only spending my time DOING things that bring me joy but I never thought about it in relation to only KEEPING things that bring me joy.  Definitely food for thought.

Well anyway, I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. If you decide to do this in your home, will you please send me pictures of your process?

2468life: My Konmari your gain, by Merav Goldman