Losing sleep is commonplace since newborns have no concept of time. Let’s take a look at some ways of alleviating your anxiety and making your life less stressful.

  • Mommy deserves a break. Treat yourself to a massage, a new hairdo, or professional manicure. Getting some time away will relieve you of your worries. Let your husband or family member take care of the new baby while you get some free time. They are as excited as you are and have no problem giving you a much needed break.
  • Plan on a night out. Remember the song, “You’ve lost that loving feeling”? It is important that you commit some time with your other half at least once a week. Obtain a reliable babysitter, preferably a family member, in order to cut down on expenses, and enjoy a night out with your loved one. Rekindling intimacy is important for maintaining strong family bonds.
  • Crank up the tunes. Music is the ultimate cure all. Whatever your choice of music is, turn on the stereo or utilize your smartphone to listen to your favorite music. Choose uplifting songs that are encouraging and bring you merriment. Choose songs that calm the baby down in times of distress or periods of uncontrollable crying. And hey, even though you’re not the next American Idol, sing to your baby with comforting lyrics.
  • Stroller time. Like anyone else, your infant becomes restless. Remember that stroller you bought? Use it! Take your infant out for a stroll in a safe environment. This will serve to get you out of the house and avoid the feeling of being cooped up. Besides, your baby will enjoy the sights, smells, sounds and mystery that the world has to offer. Make it a habit. Even a stroll around the block once a day serve wonders.
  • Read to your baby. Infants are soothed by words. Why not enjoy a book to relax yourself and the newborn? Hey, we’re not talking about in-depth novels or memoirs here, but simple books. Your baby is reassured with your voice so keep it light.
  • Consider takeout meals. Do yourself a favor and sign up for a meal delivery service during the first six months if affordable. This will reduce the need for timely trips to the grocery store, fighting traffic, planning a menu, and hovering over a hot oven. Stock up on healthy instant meals to save yourself some time.

Your new addition to the family is a blessing. Ensure that you manage your time between caring for your baby and getting in some free time. Managing stress/anxiety is important for your mental health. Don’t be afraid to designate responsibility when appropriate, but at the same time, don’t overdo it. Following these simple tips will greatly reduce the stress that comes with a caring for newborn.