Applicable to All Promotions

  • Promo codes cannot be combined. Only one code may be used per checkout.
  • Promo codes cannot be applied to previous registrations or classes not available at the time of purchase.
  • Promo codes are not transferable or redeemable for cash and credit.
  • Promotion code will only be valid or applicable during promotion time frame, or while there is class availability.
  • After the expiration date of the promotion, classes remaining in cart will no longer qualify for the promotional offer.
  • Cancellation or withdrawal from any of the classes purchased with a promo code will have the promo discount subtracted from the return credit or refund.
  • Offer only available on and for relevant classes at New Mom School Newport Mesa.

2022 Spring Promotion 

  • This promotion is valid for $75 off the full price of a Newborn ($595), Second Time Mom ($475), Infant Class ($475), or Toddler Parenting Class ($395) series.
  • During the sale, pre-registration for classes is an additional $25 off the usual discounted rate of $50 off.
  • Offer valid online from 3/10/22 12:00 am PST through 3/17/22 11:59 pm PST, or while class spaces are available.
  • Discount will only be applied at checkout using the code LUCKY.
  • Other class types (Playgroups, Workshops, etc.) will not apply for the promotion
  • The promotional code cannot be applied to classes that are already in session
  • Promo code cannot be combined with other offers.