registration now open

Shrewsbury, NJ

Shrewsbury, NJ

Gain confidence, knowledge and a supportive community – 100% in-person classes


Shrewsbury, NJ

174 Patterson Ave
Shrewsbury, NJ 07702


gather in glow

we can’t wait to meet you

fill out this quick form and we’ll make sure to fill you in on everything that’s happening at New Mom School!

Our signature offerings

core classes


0 - 3 months
register while pregnant

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3 - 6 months

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6 - 12 months

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second time



0 - 3 months

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support group

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registration now open

core classes


0 - 3 months



3 - 6 months


rising toddler

6 - 12 months


second time moms

0 - 3 months


breastfeeding support group

glowing testimonials

loved by moms, recommended by doctors

Why we exist

we’re fundamentally changing the way new moms are cared for.

New Mom School members enjoy:

  • NLess stress, anxiety, and depression
  • NBetter relationships with their partners
  • NKnowledge to raise happier, healthier babies
Shir Barton

meet the owner

Danielle Sherrill
Location Owner | Shrewsbury

Danielle, a New Jersey native, moved from Manhattan to Fair Haven in 2018. Soon after settling in, she became a first time mom with the arrival of her daughter, Reagan. Nineteen months later, her family grew again with the birth of her son, Jackson. As someone who’s always over-prepared, Danielle was shocked by the challenges that came with the arrival of her first baby – things she could not have anticipated. Thankfully, with the help of family and friends, she was able to navigate the transition into motherhood, but it was far more difficult than she expected. When she learned about New Mom School and its mission to transform how new moms are supported, Danielle knew she wanted to bring this concept to her own community to help other moms. With her background as a Certified Public Accountant and deep experience in business and operations, Danielle is excited to combine her professional expertise with her personal journey into motherhood, bringing this valuable program to new moms in the Monmouth County area.

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