Reflux Questions Answered

Reflux Questions Answered

Dr. Barry Steinmetz is one of the most sought after pediatric GI’s in Orange County and because of our personal experience, I can understand why.  He is calm, confident, encouraging and really helps you understand what your baby might be experiencing.  I’m thankful we...

First Birthday Gift Guide

I am asked by moms often about age appropriate gifts for their little ones so I decided to put together gift guides by age! Here is the first one for your baby’s first birthday! Besides a medal for making it through your first year, feel free to pass along this list...

Do you Konmari?

As moms, we have a lot of STUFF! It’s tough to find a place for it all and even if you do, best of luck keeping it there with toddlers! Meet one of my best friends, Merav, whom I met in MY mommy and me class when my first was 8 weeks old. I have a long list of...
Here’s to you, Mom!

Here’s to you, Mom!

When I read the article circulating this week about not understanding what our moms went through until we had kids of our own, it reminded me once again how true this was. The author did a great job putting into words how many of us feel once our babies are born. You...
My Words of Wisdom (if you can call them that!)

My Words of Wisdom (if you can call them that!)

By: Alexandra Spitz, Parent Educator and mom of two! Never lose sight of what you want.  Things may not come at the moment you want them, but they will come when the moment is right. Don’t ever be embarrassed by your desires after your baby is born.  If you planned on...
My Marriage is on the Rocks

My Marriage is on the Rocks

My Marriage is on the Rocks by Alexandra Spitz Warning: sarcasm ahead – post to be taken light heartedly 🙂        It’s Saturday afternoon and my marriage is on the rocks. A few months back, my husband and I noticed a pattern. By Saturday afternoon, we didn’t...