My Breastfeeding Journey

My Breastfeeding Journey

After my first son was born and put on my bare chest in the hospital, he wiggled down and found my breast just like in the videos on YouTube—just like the lactation consultants told me it happens.  It was beautiful and perfect.  That’s pretty much where he stayed...
Get Happy Dough for Lactation

Get Happy Dough for Lactation

Written by Katrina Cameron, Program Manager for OCMM. One of the best tips I ever got to prepare for breastfeeding was to have water and a basket of healthy snacks readily available by my rocker, bedside, and anywhere I would be nursing my baby girl. I found my...
Reflux Questions Answered

Reflux Questions Answered

Dr. Barry Steinmetz is one of the most sought after pediatric GI’s in Orange County and because of our personal experience, I can understand why.  He is calm, confident, encouraging and really helps you understand what your baby might be experiencing.  I’m thankful we...