Everything you want to know about cesareans

Everything you want to know about cesareans

If your intention is to have a vaginal birth, your OB mentioning the possible need for a cesarean can come as quite a shock. There’s a lot to know about why they happen, how they happen, and what it means for your postpartum experience. As April is Cesarean Awareness...
3 Things no one tells you about becoming a mom

3 Things no one tells you about becoming a mom

Before our baby is born, we don’t quite know what to expect in the newborn phase. We typically think we are going to have a cute little accessory to dress in cute clothes and tote around everywhere with us. We don’t understand why people we know who have had babies...
5 Essential Tips for Mothers of Newborns

5 Essential Tips for Mothers of Newborns

Your newborn is a precious addition to the world but also requires an adjustment to your daily schedule. Here are some essential tips that should help.     1. Don’t try and force a schedule.  Infants are demanding but that should be expected. Though you may...
How to prepare to welcome a newborn

How to prepare to welcome a newborn

You’re pregnant! Congratulations! Now amidst all of your excitement we’re going to take a guess that you’ve found yourself down the Google rabbit hole more than once since finding out that you’re expecting…. Sound familiar?  Don’t worry, we understand! It’s exactly...
New Dad School

New Dad School

You might be used to our blog posts being written predominantly for Moms (we are New Mom School after all) but this blog post is for all the Dads out there. Don’t worry—it’s not all about sHaving a new baby is such an exciting time, and the pride you feel as a new dad...