Creating a Birth Plan: What to Include and Why It Matters
Preparing for the birth of your baby is an exciting yet often overwhelming experience. One way to ease some of the uncertainty is by creating a birth plan. A birth plan is a...
The Latest Baby Product Recalls and Safety Tips for Parents (Updated Regularly!)
As if there wasn't enough to worry about as a new mom, you're also expected to keep your eyes and ears open for product recalls to keep your baby safe from the mistakes...
10 New Mom Survival Tips
Becoming a new mom is a life-changing experience, filled with moments of pure joy and, yes, a fair share of challenges. The fourth trimester, those first few months after your...
Exercise During Pregnancy: Safe Workouts for Each Trimester
Staying active during pregnancy can be one of the best things you do for both your body and your baby. Exercise during pregnancy helps improve your mood, boosts energy, and can...
Maternal Mental Health: Managing Anxiety and Stress in the 4th Trimester
Becoming a mother is a beautiful, life-changing experience, but it’s not without its challenges—especially in the 4th trimester, the period immediately following childbirth when...
Answers to the Most Frequently Asked Questions During the Third Trimester
The third trimester marks the final stretch of pregnancy, filled with excitement, anticipation, and often a lot of questions. As your due date approaches, you may find yourself...
Building a Prenatal Support Network: Friends, Family, and Pregnancy Groups
Pregnancy is one of the most transformative experiences a woman can go through, and while it’s filled with excitement and anticipation, it can also feel overwhelming at times....
Common Pregnancy Symptoms and How to Alleviate Them
Pregnancy is a beautiful journey but let's be real, it also comes with its fair share of physical and emotional challenges. As you grow your little one, your body and mind are...
Diaper Need: How Can We Help?
Did you know that 1 in 2 families in the U.S. struggle to afford diapers? Diaper need is a real, often overlooked issue that affects the health and well-being of babies and...
The Ultimate Guide to Breastfeeding: Tips, Tools, and Hacks
Breastfeeding is a beautiful way to nourish and bond with your baby, but it can come with its share of challenges. From positioning to milk supply, the journey can be full of...
New Mom School: Empowering Moms through Babyhood AND Business Ownership
Recently, our founder and CEO Alexandra Spitz spoke with the man known as The Wolf of Franchises for his podcast “Franchise Empires.” They covered a lot of ground in 40 minutes...
A Note About Father’s Day
Happy June! I said it last month, but I will say it again! Where is the time flying to?! This month, we will celebrate Father’s Day! For many of you this will be the first time...
Don’t Be Disappointed This Mother’s Day
Can you believe it’s May? It’s hard to believe that we are nearly a quarter of the way through 2024! As mothers we often hear the phrase “time is a thief,” and while I don’t...
Meet Becca Kushner: NMS Newport Mesa Franchise Partner
Meet, Rebecca Kushner, New Mom School - Newport Mesa's new owner! Becca is likely a familiar face to many of you, as she is a beloved instructor in our program, teaching...
A New Era in Newport
April 8, 2024 During the months following our move to Dallas in 2022, I went through an internal battle. The prior 10 years of running NMS had been the most fulfilling of my life...