I Gained 10 Years Back Tonight

I Gained 10 Years Back Tonight

As some of you know, the last 14 months have been challenging, to say the least. My older son is known as what’s called a “strong-willed child”. In addition, he also suffered a trauma, for lack of a better term, after being mistreated by a caretaker. [Insert...
Clean Bambino

Clean Bambino

Recently I had Clean Bambino come to my house to clean my car seats after my little guy got sick in his and Michael did such a great job! He shared so much valuable information about what germs and bacteria are carried in car seats. So gross! If you mention OC Mommy...


FIVE!   Today my oldest turns Five. FIVE! That means that five years ago today I was giving birth to my first child. I walked into the hospital at 40 weeks + 3 days for my first of two appointments to be monitored that week. I told husband not to worry about driving...