Teach Children What to Do

Teach Children What to Do

The following is an excerpt from the book Positive Discipline The First Three Years. This tool is also referred to as “Do vs Don’t.” Children under the age of three do not understand “no” in the way most parents think they do. (And, a...
5 Ways to Correct Misbehaving Children

5 Ways to Correct Misbehaving Children

All children misbehave and have since the beginning of time. In contemporary times with both parents working some argue that misbehavior is increasing. We’ll leave that to the scholars to decide and instead look at reasons why kids challenge their parents with poor...
5 Ways to Balance Life and Work

5 Ways to Balance Life and Work

Remember the old TV commercial where the woman cried out, “Calgon, take me away!” Yeah, that one. She was struggling as many people do with balancing her life and work. The poor gal had simply not taken a breather and figured out how to manage both her career, her...
Jay Elle Pump Bags

Jay Elle Pump Bags

Hi, Moms! I wanted to tell you about these great new pump bags from Jay Elle. Jay Elle was founded this year by Kate Doti and Sarah Gray. It’s 100% family-and-woman owner and operated company, (Kate and Sarah are sisters) based in Orange, CA. As working and...