There hasn’t been a day since starting New Mom School that I haven’t thought about how and when I was going to start a class for toddler moms. The need for support and education after having kids never ends and I am so excited for this next step. I have wracked my brain over the last two years for the best format where the moms would get the most out of the classes. I have considered so many different scenarios but nothing ever seemed to feel right and since I’m a perfectionist, I wouldn’t settle for just an “OK” class series. Recently, however, it all fell into place and I love when that happens! I am SO excited to finally offer this brand new class series taught by an AMAZING parent educator who specializes in the toddler/preschool years and who has helped me tremendously with my own son (4 years old) who we have really been struggling with over the last few months. I can’t wait to share her with all of you!!

Our groups are always designed to help support MOM so this class is just for mom and childcare will be provided during the classes.

To read more about our new Toddler Classes and to register, just check out New Mom School.

Looking forward to seeing you in class!
~Alexandra Spitz~