by New Mom School | Oct 7, 2015 | Wisdom
Dear Mommy, It’s a pleasure to finally see your face. I have known you for weeks now and you are more beautiful than I could have ever imagined. Your smell soothes my soul and warms my heart. I have heard your beautiful voice and have been wrapped in your warm,...
by New Mom School | Sep 24, 2015 | Wisdom
Today I noticed new stretch marks on my body. I’m not sure how long they’ve been there but they’re there. And from what I know, here to stay. In the past, I may have felt angry. Regretted all those fattening meals I had consumed. Professed to myself words of...
by New Mom School | Sep 18, 2015 | Wisdom
By guest writer Tiffany Mansfield Do you have a superhero in your life? Have you ever wished you had an extra set of hands? More time in a day? Another “you” or “mind reader” so you would not have to explain everything ALL the time and can get more done? or perhaps...
by New Mom School | Aug 12, 2015 | Wisdom
Christine is an OCMM alum and a busy, beautiful mom of two. Here’s how she gets her glam on in 5 mins! Love this. Take Five by: Christine Kerekes My previous before-kids self would have never imagined I would see the day that I could get my beauty...
by New Mom School | Aug 5, 2015 | Wisdom
My older son loves the water. We did mommy and me classes when he was younger and every time he hits the pool he is in heaven. He essentially taught himself how to swim (doggy paddle) but I needed him to be water safe. We took him for lessons at a big swim...
by New Mom School | Aug 1, 2015 | Wisdom
FOOD DRIVE AUGUST 3rd – SEPTEMBER 1st! Mommies, let’s help local families in need! Can you imagine every night not knowing where you are going to lay your baby down to sleep? Or at every meal time struggling to put together enough food to keep your children...