Finding Childcare
Many of you know that I’ve recently struggled trying to find the right childcare solution for my boys. Returning to work and finding the right care for our children is such a...
Swim Date at Waterworks Aquatics!
Waterworks Aquatics has graciously offered Moms of OC Mommy and Me a free swim and water safety class, in a group setting that will also highlight the benefits of infant...
Dailey Baby!
The Dailey Method Newport Mesa is home to OC Mommy and Me and it just got better for OC moms! If you've been looking for a class to bring your baby to, look no further. Owner...
Balancing Marriage with Motherhood
After having my first son Jack, I never thought our marriage would get better with my husband, Eric. That disconnect in our relationship after Jack was born was one of my biggest...
The Facebook Façade
I saw a friend over the weekend that I hadn’t seen in years. Her first baby is 10 months old and when we started catching up she asked, “Why doesn’t anyone tell you how hard...
Frequently Asked Questions about Starting Solids
One of the most frequent questions I receive from mommies is: When do I start feeding my baby solids and what is the best way to start? There are a few different factors to...
It Finally Happened…
When my oldest was born, he was given a stuffed monkey who at one year old he named Titi (because he couldn’t say monkey). Titi became a part of our family and Jack’s best...
Never Say Never and Nothing is Forever!
I always knew I was meant to be a mom. Even through the toughest moments of having a newborn, I still enjoyed every minute of it! That’s not to say it wasn’t the hardest, most...
Welcome to my blog!
I am ecstatic this first entry is finally coming to fruition. Starting a blog has been something I have wanted to do since I started OC Mommy and Me over 18 months ago. Over 200...