New Mom Gift Guide
Okay Moms! This gift guide is all about YOU (or the Mom friends in your life). We recently shared a gift guide that included ideas for the whole family, but we wanted to go into...
3 Tips For Making Sure Your Baby Gets Enough Sleep During The Holidays
We’ve updated our most popular sleep tips from real Moms who have tried all the things to keep their Little Ones sleep on track while traveling, plus we’ve spoken to our resident...
Holiday Gift Guide for Mom, Dad and Kids 0-3
The gift-giving season is here and chances are you’re dreading adding more unnecessary toys to your children’s collection, and also wondering what on earth to get your...
5 Things to Know About New Mom School’s New Studio
If you’ve joined New Mom School for a class recently, you will have had the opportunity to see our beautiful new home in Costa Mesa! Now that we’re settled in, I thought it was...
5 Baby Safety Risks That Are Often Overlooked
Keeping our kids safe and healthy is our highest priority as parents. But no matter how vigilant we try to be, there’s always things we miss or times we overlook important safety...
5 Things You Need To Know Before Having A Baby
If you were to do a Google search of “things to know before having a baby”, you’d probably be overwhelmed with the number of results that pop up before you. How do you know which...
My Breastfeeding Journey
After my first son was born and put on my bare chest in the hospital, he wiggled down and found my breast just like in the videos on YouTube—just like the lactation consultants...
Painful Sex After Baby? What You Need to Know
By Dr. Nicole Cozean, Founder of PelvicSanity in Orange County, CA Painful intercourse after a baby is common, but not normal, and not something you “just have to bear.” Resuming...
Understanding Stress in the Body
If you’re more than a little sleep-deprived, chances are your body is producing extra cortisol—the stress hormone—and it’s probably making you feel more anxious than usual. Have...
How New Mom School Works
Register for prenatal classes ✅ Register for postnatal classes….. If that second item left you scratching your head a little, that’s okay! We’re here to explain it all. It’s...
How to do baby massage
Did you know skin sensitivity (touch) is the earliest developed function most crucial for all the sensory systems for overall healthy development? Coping with the sensory input...
10 ways to build a strong attachment with your baby
Understanding attachment theory — What you need to know You’ve probably heard the phrase “Attachment Theory” before, but maybe never quite known what it was all about, what you...
When to start with introducing solids
Starting Solids is one of the most confusing things to new moms so rest assured, you are not alone if you have lots of questions regarding the topic! Here are some important...
How to overcome feelings of inadequacy in motherhood
One of the ways we discover our new identity in motherhood is by building our confidence, overcoming feelings of inadequacy and finding balance again. But HOW DO WE DO THIS?...
The Will to Survive: Working at Home with Kids
Written By Janice Russell Working remotely has become a necessity for many parents, and it certainly has its benefits. lists some of the advantages as greater...