Would You Like Some Cheese With That Whine?

Would You Like Some Cheese With That Whine?

Whining is like nails on a chalkboard to me. It has the ability to take me from a serene peaceful state to a level 10 and in the red zone in seconds! There’s a few choice words I’d like to use when my toddler starts whining, but for the sake of his self-esteem and his...
Positive Time-Out—You First

Positive Time-Out—You First

I have read this concept a few times during my training in Positive Discipline, but for some reason I forget about it in the challenging moments. I am putting up a note for myself and going to try it moving forward! Does this seem like a novel idea—for you to take...
Overcoming the Stress of a Newborn

Overcoming the Stress of a Newborn

Losing sleep is commonplace since newborns have no concept of time. Let’s take a look at some ways of alleviating your anxiety and making your life less stressful. Mommy deserves a break. Treat yourself to a massage, a new hairdo, or professional manicure. Getting...
Roses and Thorns

Roses and Thorns

At the end of every day when Jack and I are lying in bed, we debrief from our day with Roses and Thorns. Roses are the good parts of our day that make us feel happy while Thorns are the times of our day that might have made us feel frustrated, angry or sad. This is a...