March is women’s history month – a month dedicated to honoring women’s pivotal roles in American History. At NMS, we believe there is no role more pivotal to society than that of a mother. Whether you are working in the home, or outside of it, you are breastfeeding or formula feeding, you co-sleep or sleep train, we are here to support you as you raise your babies. We celebrate you, mama, and your tireless (and sometimes thankless!) work you undertake to care for your little humans! You inspire us everyday in the work that we do, and we are so grateful you have trusted us to accompany you on your journey as a new mom.

This year, as our program expands to multiple locations, our team at New Mom School is working to provide the missing link in perinatal care for mother’s across the US. We could not do this work without the time and dedication of our MD partners who are helping us achieve our mission. This month, we will highlight a few of the women on our team, who are not only well respected professionals in their field, but advocates for maternal health and who like us, have a special affinity for supporting new mothers.

Stay tuned for additional blogs this month, as we highlight Dr. Gigi Kroll, Dr. Sonya Rasminsky, and Dr. Sandra Pertz as women who are helping us make history here at NMS!