Embracing Postpartum Support
Hey Mamas (and mamas to be), As a mother, I’ve learned what my range of capabilities are when it comes to parenting my children. I know my strengths, and I know when it’s time to...
New Baby Help: 5 Benefits of a postpartum doula
At New Mom School, we’re huge advocates for all that a postpartum doula can bring to the experience for new families. After all, when parents are supported and nurtured, they...
Why is my baby crying?
Let’s face it, there can be a lot of crying with a newborn in the house. It's very common for babies to cry, and there can be many reasons why your baby is crying. Wet diaper,...
Breastfeeding your newborn: Learn tips and tricks before delivery, to set you up for success!
In the exhaustion and euphoria of childbirth, a mother’s very next job is feeding her baby. But breastfeeding rarely comes naturally as expected. The first few hours after...
Must-Read Parenting Books
Let’s face it, we moms barely have time to pursue any interests outside the core family functions and the luxury of reading a book cover to cover might be a thing of the past....
Newport Mesa Mommy & Me Baby Classes: Your Questions Answered
Lately, we’ve been inundated with questions about whether you can join our Newport Mesa New Mom School “mommy and me” classes after you baby has already been born. In short, the...
Now THAT was a party! Celebrating 10 Years of New Mom School
Last month we had a wonderful party celebrating our 10th year milestone with you all. As we spent time chatting with so many New Mom School alum from over the years, we heard...
5 ways joining a class at New Mom School can help minimize postpartum depression
A woman goes through one of the most transformative states when she emerges into the beautiful chaos of motherhood. But sometimes it might feel like you’re completely...
Can you prepare for postpartum depression?
Postpartum depression does not discriminate. While some moms might be at higher risk of experiencing a perinatal mood and anxiety disorder, it can also strike you “completely out...
New Mom School Turns 10
We made it to double digits! We feel so grown up. Since launching our first pilot in 2012 - known then as OC Mommy and Me - with 12 new moms and their darling babies in a small...
2022 Xmas Gift Guides For The Whole Family
Dreading the holiday shopping trips that feel like a marathon? Feeling stuck on ideas on what to get your partner? You’re in luck! We’ve updated our thoughtfully-curated gift...
5 Breastfeeding Essentials Every New Mom Needs
So here’s the behind the scenes for you, Mama. Breastfeeding can be as messy as it is gloriously satisfying and nourishing and fulfilling and challenging! In those early days...
4 Newborn Essentials No One Tells You You’ll Need
If you’ve ever Googled “Newborn Essentials”, you’ve no doubt been left overwhelmed! Do babies really need all of this stuff?! It’s a lot, we know. From the diapers to the...
New Playgroup Series Start October!
Imagine an hour and a quarter each week where you could just sit back and relax while your little one is engaged in purposeful play with developmentally-appropriate...
10+ Ways to Soothe a Fussy Baby
The constant cry of an upset and fussy baby can challenge us to our core. We may even have a chemical reaction in our body that causes us to sweat and feel as though our blood...